Sunday, May 26, 2013

Wait...I Forgot Something

Our approach to the house from the sculpture garden
Time changes are usually associated with long flights to Europe or the East Coast but I never thought about driving through three zones as being a big issue though the three hour difference has affected my timing for getting up, having dinner, and writing into the wee hours of the next morning. I unknowingly became exhausted over the last week and so last night I caught up by crawling into my tent at the Potato Creek State Park (more like family village) at 7PM and slept until 7:30AM. This may not be a big deal to many but I'm a constant 7 hour man. This morning I was refreshed and it came to me that I forgot to include photos of Sharon and my visit to the Kentuck Nob House near Fallingwater. So please forgive me but I feel rested and ready for the Midwest.

Front entry to the Hagan House aka; Kentuck Nob

A beauty among beauty posed atop of the Nob

A very large art installation call "Red Army"

Sharon's favorite by Claus Oldenburg

A piece of the Berlin Wall

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